Tag: Art

Art For Arts Sake

Hi there this is another task of the SLJ.I used the shape for the hearts and I use some background that I like and my favourite out of the four is the fourth because I used the white to match the background.I am very proud of myself and I use the colour that match the background.I hope you enjoy my art and also thank you for visiting my blog.

Merry Christmas.

Grand Design

Hi there this is my grand design of the SLJ and I drew a beach with a palm tree.This is one of my memory of mine because in Myanmar me and my family and also my cousins have went to the beach and it is called point of Rakhine.

This is one of hard task because I drew and I also gave it a give.

I hope you enjoy my art.


Rainbow Art

Hi there this is my art of the SLJ and this is a rainbow that I colour with:Red,Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue,Indigo and violet.


What is a rainbow?

A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is called reflection,refraction and dispersion of the light.The rainbow was made by the sun and the rain.When you take something very shining and put it where the sun is at it will reflect and also make a rainbow on the floor or the coach.

Please leave any comments on my post.