Category: Ako | Learn

Fia Fia Recount

On Wednesday the 5th of April Pt England School has an event that happens every two years and it is called Fia Fia. I was in Myanmar and I was in Number 10 to perform on stage. Me and my little sister went to the changing room and we went into Rm 16 to change into our clothes and Shwe Shwe’s mum did my hair and my little sister.

When the Fia Fia called out didn’t called out we play cards and we were playing snaps. When they called out we quickly packed the cards and put them away and we lined up and we walked and went to Te Kapua. When we got to Te Kapua we sat down in front of the Choir and the group that was behind Fijian group.

When the Fia Fia night begins Mr Burt and the prefect was up at the stage for a short intro and when we started the Fia Fia night we began with Kapa Haka and when it was my turn to perform, I was very nervous at first but when I started dancing I got confident.

My favourite performance was Junior Hip Hop and my other favourite performance was Bollywood. There were 18 performances. The first group that performed was Senior Kapa Haka and the last group was Senior Samoan group.

When the Fia Fia night ended I felt so tired from all of these performances and I felt excited to watch the performances.


Posters:Izack Tago

Hi there this is my poster about NRL of Izack Tago and there is information that you didn’t know about him and he is a Samoan player that plays for the Panthers and there was some things that I didn’t even know about Izack Tago. Here is some of Izack’s Highlight.

I hope you enjoy my poster about Izack Tago. 🙂

Year 5/6 Camp Math Problems

Walt:Practise our problem-solving skilld by using number knowledge, basic facts and understanding of statistics to solve word problems. Task Description:Hi there everyone this is my maths about Year 5/6 camp and this has word problems and some statistics and I hope you enjoy my Math Challenge about Year5/6 camp.:)