GeoGebra Art

Hi there this is my task of the SLJ and today i didn’t do yesterday work I thought I should do it and I did a rose in a plant pot and it was hard at first and easy I use brown,green and red it was super easy and fun too.I hope you enjoy.

3 thoughts on “GeoGebra Art

  1. Hi khaing shwe its me ShweShwe and is that a flower if it is it turned out really nice how long did it take you . Keep up the good work. 🙂

  2. Hi again Khaing!
    Wow, what a beautiful rose you have created! I’m so glad you enjoyed creating this task! Do you think you will try creating your own space invader too?
    Maybe a spaceship that has roses on too?
    Look forward to talking soon,

    1. Hi Theresa,
      It’s me Khaing Shwe and thank you for your comment.I will try creating my own space invader too.
      Khaing Shwe.xoxo

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