Recycled race car

 Hi there this is my car and I actually made this a long time ago but I thought I should share and this because it was made out of materials like the milks lids I also I colour it with red,blue,orange and yellow and to put the wheel on I use 4 screws to help the wheels move.I hope you enjoy my car.

3 thoughts on “Recycled race car

  1. Kia ora Khaing,

    This is a great looking race car made out of recycled parts! How cool that you have tried this before. Did this take you long to complete when you did it? Does it move very well? I remember trying this years ago but the wheels were too stiff to turn. It looked cool though!

    You should try the step it up for this task to see if you can propel your race car using a rubber band or a balloon! It would be cool to see you have a go with this race car.

    I wonder what else you could make with recycled parts from around the home? I’m not super crafty, so it would be great to hear what you can come up with.

    Ngā mihi,
    Simon (SLJ)

    1. Kia Ora Simon,
      It’s me Khaing.Thank You for commenting on my blog and this didn’t take that long to make I think it was 10 mins to make and it does move and it goes very fast I would love it try the Step it up task but I don’t have rubber bands and balloons at home.
      Take Care Simon

      1. I wonder if you have anything else in your home that my be quite elastic like a rubber band that you could use?

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