Art For Arts Sake

Hi there this is another task of the SLJ.I used the shape for the hearts and I use some background that I like and my favourite out of the four is the fourth because I used the white to match the background.I am very proud of myself and I use the colour that match the background.I hope you enjoy my art and also thank you for visiting my blog.

Merry Christmas.

One thought on “Art For Arts Sake

  1. Hi Khaing,

    This looks like a fun and creative task. It seems to me that you have managed to incorporate the colour of the heart into the background for all your hearts. I can see the glistening of orange lights behind the orange heart. That might be my favourite one, although I think altogether they are the most interesting and eye-catching.

    Did you enjoy being creative in this activity, was there one heart that you found the most difficult to do?

    Thanks for sharing Khaing,

    Emma – SLJ

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