Grand Design

Hi there this is my grand design of the SLJ and I drew a beach with a palm tree.This is one of my memory of mine because in Myanmar me and my family and also my cousins have went to the beach and it is called point of Rakhine.

This is one of hard task because I drew and I also gave it a give.

I hope you enjoy my art.


One thought on “Grand Design

  1. Kia ora Khaing,

    This is a beautiful beach you have drawn. I looked up the beach you are talking about in Myanmar and it looks incredible. The bright colours of the beach you have drawn are very similar to the beaches in the photos I have seen. Tino pai!

    What did you and your family do at the beach there? I bet it was nice to swim in.

    Ngā mihi,
    Simon (SLJ)

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